10/31/23: Daily Post

Yesterday, I spent the day at NMT, working on a few different projects. I taught the freshman design class and gave my infamous materials engineering lecture. After that, we had lab, where the freshmen learned how to use ChemCAD.

I knocked out two projects for clients. I also have several new Upwork tasks that have shown up in the past few days. I’m trying to keep it all organized.

In the evening, I went to the gym and ran 4.15 miles. I also did some lifting. I am pleased with the running; several times this month, I have run for 55 straight minutes. I could probably go for 60, but the treadmill cuts off at 60 minutes; by the time I walk for five to warm up, that’s about as good as it gets.

Thank you for reading my post.

10/10/23: Daily Post

Yesterday, I spent the whole day at NMT. I helped out with freshman design lab, did some lab cleanup, and updated some classwork for my instrumentation lab. I also spent some time watching videos and playing with a ladder logic simulator that I will use in instrumentation lab, as it is really a neat toy.

I completed one article for a client and had a meeting about a new Upwork contract. I didn’t get done nearly as much as I wanted to.

When I arrived back in Albuquerque, I skipped going to the gym. I wasn’t really feeling well and I had plenty of things to do at home. Instead, I worked on housework and other chores until too late at night.

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10/3/22: Daily Post

Yesterday, I spent the bulk of the day in Magdalena. I drove down to Magdalena in the Malibu and then hung out there, tutoring all day, and then running the after school tutoring program. At 5:30, I drove to Socorro and worked at NMT for the rest of the day.

Throughout the day, I turned in two Upwork projects, but my “to do” list kept expanding. This month is going to be exceptionally busy.

When I arrived at NMT, I started setting up the lab for freshman design and I realized I had loaned away one of the key components to running the lab. I tried a few workarounds, but none of them worked. I’m hoping I can borrow the component back, but it was in use last night. I’ll check this morning and hopefully will get it all fixed.

Thank you for reading my post.

9/20/22: Daily Post

Yesterday, I spent the day at NMT. I met with a vendor in the late morning and showed all of the problems we are having with their equipment. I will be in more meetings about the equipment as I had some suggestions they liked.

In the afternoon, I helped out with freshman design lab and then taught a section of instrumentation lab. My labs are completely out of sequence, so I’ll have to change that up for next semester.

At the beginning of yesterday morning, I was caught up. By the end of the day, I had, count them, eight, writing projects show up, so now I’m a little behind. Nothing is overdue, but I need to get cracking on things.

I’m really disappointed in my exercise and diet routines right now. I’m struggling to get in any exercise. My ankle is a little better right now, so I can probably start up again. I have had the shakes more often than I’d like, and I’m buying food that I don’t need to counteract the shakes.

Thank you for reading my post.

9/13/22: Daily Post

Yesterday, I spent the day at NMT, working through as much as I could. I made several blog posts, some of which were behind schedule.

I taught the materials lecture to the freshman chemical engineers, and then helped with the lab as well. The professor is out of town at a conference, so I covered for them.

In the afternoon, I worked with one of the graduate students to run the Thermo-Gravitational Analysis (TGA). I’ve only run it once or twice, so it took a little while to remember how to do everything, even with my notes, but we got it running.

In the evening, I taught my instrumentation lab and then updated some documents for several different organizations. I also now have more Upwork contracts, as a big one landed on my doorstep yesterday.

Thank you for reading my post.

10/26/21: Daily Post

Yesterday, I spent the day at NMT knocking out projects left and right. It was an incredibly productive day. I finished up some gas cylinder swaps and inventory, tested all of the safety showers, updated our safety manual and so on.

In the afternoon, I taught the Freshman Design Lab, where I gave my annual talk on Materials Engineering. I was not as successful this time at delivering the lecture, but it went okay.

In the evening, I advised a chem-e car team on how to test their electric motor. I think they will build a regulator circuit to step down the voltage from the fuel cell to match that required of the motor.

I also finished another article for a client and caught up on a few of my blog posts.

Thank you for reading my post.

8/31/21: Daily Post

Yesterday, I spent the day at NMT. I had a lot to knock out, and I made some progress against some of these projects. I turned in half of one Upwork project, completed an article for another, and did 90% of the grading I needed to finish.

I also helped out with the freshman design class and then taught my section of Instrumentation lab.

I don’t think I was any less depressed yesterday, but I was able to get some work done. I just need to figure out how to drown everything else out and work anyhow, while I still can.

Thank you for reading my post.

10/12/20, 10/13/20: Daily Post

I forgot to post yesterday and so today’s post will be aout two days instead.

Monday was busy. I started out a little later than Ihad intended and I didn’t get to the gym in the morning. I hosted office hours for tutoring Magdalena students. When the office hours ended, I went to the gym, did a bunch of housework and then worked on the RV. I replaced the starter, but didn’t get a chance to test it yet.

In the evening, I hosted three sessions of tutoring for Varsity Tutors, and then finally got a little sleep.

Yesterday, I started out the day by going to he gym. I misread my calendar and missed my morning tutoring session, which started at 8, not 8:30. After that, I did a little work for Magdalena instead, and then drove to Socorro. Normally, I attend a meeting on Google along the way, but due to the massive Verizon outage, I did not.

Once I arrived at NMT, I taught freshman design lab, where I gave a lecture on pumps, and then assisted a group with their chemmical engineering car.

In the evening, Ihad another tutoring session that got butchered, but this time, it wasn’t my fault. The student did not get the link and we couldn’t make the system understand there was a session running We gave up, and tech support gave me advice for the next time that happens.

I hosted office hours for instrumentation lab and made at least one leture ofr it. Then, around 8, I went over to the Unit Operations lab and repaired the absorption column.

Thank you for reading my post.

9/15/20: Daily Post

Yesterday was really busy as well, and I still didn’t get done everything that needed to be done. I don’t know if I’ll ever actually catch up.

I started out the day by doing some work in my garden. Then, I did some work against an Upwork project. I rushed out the door to NMT, as I had a class to teach. I had very little prep time for the course, as I had to update all of my login info.

After class, I did some grading and cleaned up some emails. In the afternoon, I had office hours for instrumentation lab and helped several students with their projects.

In the evening, I did a little work on an Upwork project, but I still have a long ways to go on that one.

Thank you for reading my post.

9/1/20: Daily Post

Yesterday was a little stressful, and I didn’t get done everything I needed to finish. I started out the day by doing some weeding, which was good. I worked in the garden and added a protective cover for some of the beans.

I made two trips back to the house (one for my mask and one for my lunches) before actually setting off for Socorro. I drove through a small thunderstorm with pea-sized hail on my way. I also virtually attended a staff meeting for Magdalena.

When I arrived at NMT, I taught freshman design lab. I gave an important, not fun, and maybe not as organized as I’d hoped lecture on personal and process safety. I wish I had been more organized, and I will have to prepare more for the next lecture (Tuesday).

In the afternoon, I did some AVID training and am almost finished with that for the year. Then, I went and sat in the lab for office hours for instrumentation lab. One of the TAs for another class came into lab and we modified the freshman design lab schedule.

Overall, it was a busy day.

Thank you for reading my post.