Theodore Roosevelt National Park

On 8/5/18 and 8/6/18, JoAnna, Joey and I explored the Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota.  Joey had never been to North Dakota, and so this was part of our quest to get him to the contiguous 48 states by his 18th birthday (we were successful).

The park itself was divided into three parts, and we visited all three.  Unfortunately, my photo record does not accurately represent the divisions between these three.

Instead, there were badlands:

and grassy prairies:

Near the entrance of the northernmost piece of the park (the first one we saw), there were these neat cannonball-looking boulders that had eroded out of the rock face.

Overall, this park was really neat.  You get to see a part of the United States that many people forget exists.  I highly recommend this park (in the summer), and I may return to it to hike a few of the trails some day.