Summer 2001

Date missing

I’m feeling a little better today. Though Jimmy is not: Found out he has mono!!! Hopefully, he’ll be better by next week when he moves in at Longwood- the doc says he’s on the recovery, so that’s good.

Kim sent me a cute card that said “Peas get well soon” and it had a bunch of sick peas in a pod! Thank you sweetie 🙂

I had lunch with Billy Tschrin today, and will have dinner with Courtney. She leaves tomorrow for school.

I will archive my news by time; I will put these entries in an archive when I start at school. I’ll divide it up by like semesters, breaks and summers.

Thursday, 8-16-01 at 16:59

Oof. I feel like I have a cold. Dammit. I’m sick of this. I’m always hot, yet I always am stopped up and now I think I have a full blown “cold.” I’m sitting in an air conditioned office with a fan blowing right at me, yet I’m sweating like a dog. I hate being fat.

Check it out, I updated my picture. Wow, I’m ugly. But tough, you’re at my page, deal with it. And now behold my amazing paint shop pro powers: Super Sharp and then Super Blur Notice I am still ugly after you’ve many drinks.

Thursday, 8-16-01 at 15:26

I went to Kings Dominion with Kim and her family and Erin yesterday. It was great! I rode every roller coaster except the Outer Limits, cause well, it just wasn’t worth it. The two best rides: The Volcano and the Grizzly at night. I’d never ridden the Volcano, so it was very cool. The Grizzly at night…. that was really cool. It was completely dark and you had no idea which way you were headed. More later, I gotta do canteen duty for the blood drive.

Tuesday, 8-14-01 at 13:09

I had to go get blood drawn today. Except my doctor is no longer allowed to draw blood. I don’t know how I feel about that…. so I had to go to some ‘contractor’ to draw blood. I finally found the place. I hate architects. This was the WORST designed building ever. It was meant to look all pretty, which it was, but it had ZERO functionality. I walked around the entire office complex three times before I found where I needed to go. I know signs are “tacky” but, they are NEEDED. ARGH!!!

Monday, 8-13-01 at 08:27

Apparently, the snakes we caught were gray rat snakes, not copperheads, though they are often confused for one another… at least they aren’t poisonous.

I got my final grade for my summer class: A-. Not bad, this pulls me off probation I do believe.

I went to Visions this weekend. Billy, Suzi, and John did a good job; they some how pulled it off. I will be at the next one too, cause there will be a next one.

I also hung out with Chrissy, Patrick, and Amanda Simmons and Courtney on Sunday. Wow, things really do change. Patrick Simmons is now Mr. Simmons, the 5th grade science teacher with two pet snakes! We’re gettin’ old.

Last night was a good lightning storm. It was one of the best displays of lightning I’ve seen in a while. I stopped by that field off Welcome Road to watch the lightning. No pictures, cause I’m not that talented.

I finally figured out how to upload pictures from my camera to my computer. Get this: It uses a USB port and looks like a HARD DRIVE not a camera. It’s nice for transfer, just move or copy files like moving stuff between hard drives, but it took two hours before I figured it out. It made no mention of it in the manual or on the worthless Sony webpage.

Thursday, 8-9-01 at 14:54

They caught a second copperhead in the building here at Synetics. There’s probably more.

I just added a new message board, so go post! Yeah, yeah, Brad has had that sorta message board forever, but I got sick of Freeservers worthless “corkboard” and his works out pretty well. I’m just trying not to be a carbon copy of his page, but stuff needs to change so that I get hits.

Thursday, 8-9-01 at 12:48

Did some updates last night: my Nova page is back up, I have fixed some of the Impala pictures, Monte Carlo pictures, and added some weather pictures that I took. More updates to come: fixing some of the Dart pictures, adding Skywarn stuff, new front picture (instead of the three year old one that is up).

I submitted projects 7, 8 and 9 yesterday… One more to go! I am waiting for grades on those three… I think I did good on 1984, but Brazil was an awful movie and I know my worksheet sucked for it. My third arts event was a stretch, but I think I pulled it off nicely. Only time will tell.

Tuesday, 8-7-01 at 14:22

I got the nova inspected to day, no problem. Woohoo! Had a two side markers out, which were easily replaced, but other than that…
I got 1984 read. Good book, I highly recommend it. I am almost done my worksheet on it. I just need to write about 40 points of essay, though the book cannot be found… I musta set it somewhere.

Watched Brazil today. Shoot me. That was the worst piece of crap ever produced. I watched it and now have such a terrible headache, I cannot bear to watch it again tonight to even TRY to understand it to translate it to this worksheet.

I turned the guppies loose in a breeder net. They seem to like it 🙂 I think I lost a few, the number seems to be 29, but it’s hard to count them while they are moving…

I got my digital camera today- a Sony DSC-30. I haven’t figured out all the gizmos and switches on it, but I’m working on it. It is 1.3 MegaPixels, (1200xsomething as its top resolution), a 1.2″ macrofocus, USB connection for pulling pictures off, I have put in a 32MB card. So far, I haven’t got the autofocus to work on Mr. T. every picture of him comes out blurry. It also uses AA batteries like mad. My first set was gone within ten minutes of LCD display. I will get an AC adaptor later…

Monday, 8-6-01 at 14:22

Today was semi-productive. I got projects 5 and 6 back: 97% and A-, respectively. woohoo! I have a good chunk of 1984 read, and I attended my third “art event,” and am almost done with the course! Everything must be done by the 12th…

I talked to Kim last night on the phone. I miss her! But her and I and her family and Erin are going to Kings Dominion soon. that will be fun.

I’m thinking of getting a digital camera; a Sony DSP-30 I think. It is 1.3 Megapixel, 1200×1600 max picture size, has a 3x optical zoom, and a macrofocus that can take pictures only 1.2″ away- great for taking pictures of baby guppies 🙂

I was in an antique store today and picked up an old poster (whether original or not, I don’t know) advertising the 1969 concert of Jefferson Airplane and The Who. This will get hung up once I get to school. Wow, not too much longer. This year will be interesting to say the least. It will make or break me. Will I get through? If not, what do I do next? Hornes? I think not. Then again, who knows. I briefly thought about taking meteorology at UNC, but then again, how do I get *IN* UNC? Not with my grades! Hopefully, I won’t have to figure that out. Hopefully, something will magically make me do better in school. I don’t know what. I studied my ^*& off last semester and ended up on probation. Maybe I’ll be able to stay awake… maybe my thyroid will be under control and maybe my sleep apnea will go away. I don’t like maybe.

Sunday, 8-5-01 at 00:29

Nothin’ but good news this weekend!
The rebirth of voices is underway. With new leadership (Caroline) and a new name (New Visions of Christ, NVOC or Not Voices Of Course) we have begun a new campaign to bring youth, Christ and fun into the same weekend. This weekend was just the planning; voices was so good, it will be hard to live up to. Next weekend is our test run.

I know all of you want to see Mr. T, my turtle, so here he is: Mr. T, the Tortuga!.

Despite the housing crisis at VT, both Kim and Krystle and Eric and I got the big rooms with NO third roommates! Eric and my room is 13×15, has two windows, and a nice little veranda.

Today, one of my pregnant guppies had babies! I saw her get one, but I managed to save 19! I pulled them into a cut-off Gatorade bottle for now, and they are swimming around like, hey, what the @#(&*\\$? Here is a picture. It’s not real clear, but the red dots are over a few of their heads so you could see them a little easier.

Finally, semi-infuriating stuff; Now, this is America right? I *SHOULD* be able to buy a piece of property and do whatever I want with it right? Not according to this article! This was out of the King George Journal.

Thursday, 8-2-01 at 10:28

I realize how much I’ve forgot to mention on this page! Tuesday, after replacing my brakes, I drove home and found a box turtle! I put him in a tank back home. I put apple in, which he has not ate, and today I put some grapes in. I’ll get some strawberries tonight for him. If he doesn’t eat soon, I’ll turn him loose 😦 But his name is Mr. T and he likes to go between the land and the water in his tank.

I placed an order to Ramsey Electronics for a cool little kit to amplify sound. I’m not 100% sure how it works yet, because the write-up on the page contains zero technical stuff, it just says “hear a pin drop from 15 feet away” and stuff like that. I don’t think it’s much, but I get to build it, and it cost like $8 so who cares anyway.

I got an 88 on my fourth project. I’m gonna try to rent Rocky tonight for my fifth. I have already written project 6 (though I am gonna make some updates) and I have started reading 1984, which is my seventh project. Hopefully the ebay people will hurry up and send me Brazil, for my eighth, I need to find a third arts event for #9, and tenth is a final essay which I’ve started to outline.
Today, I woke up with a migraine, so I got into work late. Grr, I won’t leave here til 21:45 tonight.

Tuesday, 7-31-01 at 11:38

Today was rather productive, except I didn’t go to the gym and I only got in six hours at work. First thing this morning, I went to Steve Reed’s and he showed me how to replace disk brake pads. It’s relatively simple, and, with the exception of burning the #(&*\\$ our of my fingers, I had fun doing it.

I went to Pep Boys, where I’m practically a regular now, and bought some more body filler, a metal file and some weatherstripping glue. I’ll work on my car some more hopefully tomorrow night…

I submitted project 4 on the Sir Gaiwan and the Green Knight, actually. All I know is some chick kept trying to seduce this guy, and every kiss she gave him, he gave to her husband. Good thing all they did was kiss. BOOOO to medieval literature. If I wanted this, I’d go to Brad’s homeland of Canadia. Speaking of which, check this out: Randi being kidnapped by some French-Canadian guy!

Monday, 7-30-01 at 9:32

I’m meeting Jessi and Billy for lunch today at Avanti’s. This should be fun! I haven’t seen Jessi in a few weeks, but I did see Billy a few days ago. And Avanti’s has good steak and cheese.
I got clothes yesterday! You should all be happy that I will not be walking around nekkid.

I got my projects back today: an 81 on one because I forgot to take some direct quotes, and an A- (I don’t know the #) on the other.

Friday, 7-27-01 at 11:26

First, go check my weather page: We had a tornado in King George County last night! It was a weak one, but to the best of my knowledge, it stayed on the ground (water) for a while. Nobody was injured and I have yet to find property damage. I have some radar images and a National Weather Service bulletin posted on my page. It passed between Synetics and the bridge, though I did not see it (I was looking, but the visibility was awful because of the blowing rain).

I watched Casino last night for my class. It was actually really good. Very violent and they said the f-word more times than most of the Horne’s customers, but…