5/15/24: Daily Post

Yesterday, I spent the bulk of the day at my parents’ house. I started the day before everyone, and knocked out two writing projects before breakfast. I was pleased with this, as I have been behind for several days.

Later in the afternoon, my parents and I watched a few more episodes of Resident Alien. It has been an entertaining show. Eventually, I got a call from the mechanic- the Crown Vic was repaired and ready to go. I packed up my things and Dad drove me over to pick it up.

From there, I left and went to the gym and lifted.

I went home and started preparing for my storm chase. I did some cooking and cleaning around the house. I also started packing up my bags. I leave on Saturday.

Thank you for reading my post.

5/14/24: Daily Post

Yesterday, I worked around the house a bunch to get a few things in order before I go storm chasing in a few days. It looks like the plan is to leave Saturday for Denver, CO.

In the afternoon, Mom and Dad picked me up at my house and we rode down to the Albuquerque Isotopes game. I will make a separate page about that game sometime soon. The game ended with the Sugar Land Space Cowboys up 16 to 7. It was fun, even if the home team lost.

After the game, I rode back to their place for the night and spent the night there, so that I could pick up the Crown Vic today.

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5/13/24: Daily Post

Yesterday, I spent the day working in Magdalena. I started out, however, by limping the Crown Vic to a repair shop in Mountainair. From there, Dad drove me down to Socorro. I had the Malibu parked in Socorro, so I jumped into it and took it to Magdalena.

I tutored at Magdalena all day.

In the evening, I drove home to Rio Rancho, did a little grocery shopping and then hosted a Varsity Tutors session.

I’m really not getting done what needs to be done. I have several Upwork contracts to get rolling on, and I have a ton of stuff to do to prepare for the storm chase, and right now, I’m doing none of it. Or at least, not enough of it, not fast enough.

Thank you for reading my post.

5/12/24: Daily Post

Yesterday, I started out a little late. I did a few errands around the house and then I drove over to my parents’ house in Mountainair. As I was pulling into the driveway, I noticed the distinct smell of antifreeze. I had been driving with the windows down the whole way, but I was moving fast (the speed limit), so I hadn’t noticed it on the road.

Sure enough, the radiator is cracked at the top, driver’s side, and it sprayed antifreeze over the driver’s side of the engine.

We sat inside and watched a few episodes of Resident Alien and had some burgers. I ended up spending the night.

Now I need to come up with a plan. I didn’t actually lose that much coolant. I am going to limp it to a shop in Mountainair and Dad is going to drive me down to Socorro. I need to figure out a timeline and a plan based on what the mechanic says.

Thank you for reading my post.

5/11/24: Daily Post

Yesterday, I started the day with a trip to the Corrales Seventh Day Adventist church. They were having a prayer breakfast, which was different than any other church service I’d seen. I had just missed theirs in the past, as they do it once or twice a year.

After church, I came home and put a few plants in my garden. I have not updated my garden blog, but hope to soon.

In the evening, I did some laundry and I uploaded a ton of videos to my YouTube channel. I have been cleaning up my phone and my hard drive, and so this took up a bunch of time. My YouTube Channel is here. It has a bunch of videos from storm chases and concerts.

Thank you for reading my post.

5/10/24: Daily Post

Yesterday, I spent the day in Socorro. I did a bunch of lab work, mostly clean up and shut down work for the semester. I also worked on some reading and some paperwork.

In the evening, I went to the senior banquet for the Chemical Engineering students. It’s always a good time. One of our alumni spoke (class of 2013) and we had some really good food. After that, they had the awards ceremony. I was awarded a certificate calling me the “Master of Chaos” and a Galileo thermometer.

In the late evening, I drove back to Rio Rancho. I parked in an empty area near my house and watched the aurora. It was faint, but the camera captured it.

Thank you for reading my post.

5/9/24: Daily Post

Yesterday, I spent the day working at Magdalena. I drove down to Magdalena in the Crown Vic.

A bunch of students were out for field trips, so we did some catchup work and prep for the next assignments when most of the students had returned from the field trip. In the afternoon, we watched the middle school play (Alice in Wonderland), which was a lot of fun.

In the evening, I went to the annual FFA banquet at Magdalena. I had driven them to an event or two this year, and I advised them off and on when they wanted to practice their recitations. I was awarded a plaque for helping them, which was really nice.

I returned to my office at NMT that evening, and hosted a Varsity Tutors session. I also did a little work around the department before falling asleep in my chair.

Thank you for reading my post.

5/8/24: Daily Post

Yesterday, I spent the day at NMT. I worked in the labs for a bit, cleaning up and organizing post semester, and made sure all of my grades were submitted. I keep coming up with new ideas to improve the labs, and I get excited initially, but I’m so far behind on other things that I don’t ever implement them. And, in spite of being excited briefly, my energy is sapped for some reason I can’t understand.

In the afternoon, I commuted home. I decided to go to Flying Star and try to work out some sort of plan for next semester, as well as the next few weeks. I thought I got it worked out, but I’m finding myself unmotivated. I don’t understand why.

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5/7/24: Daily Post

Yesterday, I spent the day at Magdalena again. We continued reading and working on their final projects. Several of the students and other teachers gave me cards and gifts as it was teacher appreciation week. I will add the cards to my board that I keep in my office for just such things.

I turned in an Upwork project, but now have two more coming in.

In the evening, I went to the gym and ran. It was not a great run- I did 2.65 miles and then another 0.4. I was really tired during my run.

I have changed up my diet and that may be part of it- I want to stick with it, but it does mean less energy and maybe more sleep. I am trying to only drink one Rockstar a day, as I had crept up to two a day. This week, I dropped back to one, and I can feel it.

Thank you for reading my post.

5/6/24: Daily Post

Yesterday, I spent the day at Magdalena. NMT is about finished, though I have some grading left to do.

At Magdalena, I tutored all day. We did some reading in most of the classes, as their semester is ending soon, and each class needs to finish the book they are reading.

I did some work against an Upwork project, but didn’t get as far as I would have liked.

In the evening, I hosted a Varsity Tutors session. I was not nearly as productive as I had intended to be, but this school year will end soon, and I’ll get a chance to “reset”.

Thank you for reading my post.