3/21/24: Daily Post

Yesterday, I spent the day in Magdalena, tutoring the middle and high schoolers. I had a proud reading moment- the 9th graders are reading Where the Red Fern Grows. It’s the day before spring break for them, so we got to a key part and stopped a minute before the bell rang. One of the kids, not known for liking reading, was like, “No. No, we can’t stop there. It’s going to be over a week before we get to read it again! No! I’ll read during lunch!”

In the evening, I commuted home and knocked out a little more against some Upwork contracts. This week, I’ve nearly caught up, thankfully. I still have more to do, but it’s a manageable workload again.

I also went to the gym and lifted. I ran 3 miles as well, which was long overdue. I’m feeling it a little bit today.

Thank you for reading my post.

2/23/24: Daily Post

Yesterday, I spent the day working at NMT. I had several meetings in the morning and early afternoon. I did all of my monthly lab inspections yesterday as well.

I did some work against an Upwork project along my commute. I have more to do, but I got caught up, and now have new work coming in.

In the evening, I did some reading a book that our 8th graders are reading. I started it yesterday and will finish it soon. I also watched an episode of Jericho and finished logging all of my amateur radio contacts from my Florida trip.

Thank you for reading my post.

1/12/24: Daily Post

Yesterday, I spent the day at NMT. I caught up on administrative things with the administrative assistant, attended a department meeting, and then met with several different professors about the start of the semester. I also chatted with one of the undergraduate students as they had a rough holiday break.

In the evening, I commuted home on the bus and then train. I didn’t do much on either, though I did do a little reading on the train. The train was delayed for about half an hour, so I finished out a magazine I was reading before deboarding.

In the late evening, we watched Dracula, Dead and Loving It.

Thank you for reading my post.

1/7/24: Daily Post

Yesterday, I spent the day at home, with the exception of a quick trip to Calibers to do some shooting and a brief stop at Walmart to pick up a few missed items. It was a gross day outside, so I didn’t spend any time outside at all, and unfortunately, the next few days will also be gross.

Sitting inside, I played on amateur radio for a little while. I made quite a few contacts on 12 meters and picked up three new states for Parks on the Air. I’ll talk more about this on my amateur radio blog tomorrow.

Other than that, I did a little house work, including laundry and some cooking.

I also finished reading Call of the Wild. I thought I’d read it, but I didn’t remember it. It was a good book- I must not have read it before.

Thank you for reading my post.

1/3/24: Daily Post

Yesterday, I spent the day putzing around in the back yard. It was the calm before a winter storm, so I decided to enjoy the mediocre weather before it turned worse. The primary project of the day was dealing with a lead melting furnace that was not working properly. I will comment more about it on my outdoors blog early next week. I also did a lot of work straightening and organizing things in my reloading shed.

In the afternoon, I sent an article to a client and am now waiting for new ones. It’s always a bit of a lull around the holidays, but it will soon kick into high gear again.

In the evening, we ate some of the roast I made. I did a little reading before going to bed.

Thank you for reading my post.

12/27/23: Daily Post

Yesterday, I felt like it was a lazy day, but I actually made quite a bit of progress against several project. I turned in four articles for clients, which is quite a few. Most of the articles and contracts are a little slow during the Holidays, but I got a little bump of them a few days ago, so I was glad to knock out some of this work.

In the afternoon, Joey, JoAnna and I went to both ranges. First, we went to the Range Cafe, and then we went to Calibers to do a little shooting.

Outside of that, I finished reading The Wind In The Willows and made a bunch of amateur radio contacts.

Overall, it was a relaxing day.

Thank you for reading my post.

12/18/23: Daily Post

Yesterday, I spent the whole day at Magdalena tutoring. I say tutoring, but mostly what I did was listen to final presentation and help grade papers. Tutoring is about over for the semester.

Outside of tutoring, I turned in one article for a client and started a second. I also did a bunch of reading, finishing two books in a row.

In the evening, I came home and played on amateur radio. I meant to finish up the article, but I simply did not do it. I wish I had been more productive in the evening. I did a little shopping, but bought nothing, and then did nothing once I got home.

Thank you for reading my post.

7/29/23: Daily Post

I did not get up in time to attend Sabbath School or church yesterday. However, I did listen in to the Corrales Seventh Day Adventist church service and it is exactly what I needed to hear. I may start going there when I get back from New York.

In the afternoon, I played on amateur radio for a bit, but we had storms threaten off and on, so I disconnected my antennas. Instead, I spent the day reloading, using up all of my 9 mm bullets and a bunch of .45 bullets. I want to test my .45 ACP load and make sure it works before I load the rest of them.

I did a lot of reading, too. I read quite a few electronic journals, cutting down my inbox quite a bit.

In the afternoon, we went for a walk around the neighborhood.

In the evening, we watched History of the World Part I.

Thank you for reading my post.

7/11/23: Daily Post

Yesterday was the second day of the summer mini course and I think it went alright. Some of the Unit Operations lab experiments were a little dry and a few of the students got bored, but that’s just the way it goes.

Outside of that, I submitted an article for a client and started working on another project. I also had a meeting at lunch time about yet another project, and will need to get some things rolling for it soon.

In the afternoon, I slept on the bus ride, but then was productive in the train. Once I arrived in Albuquerque, I did a little light grocery shopping, as I was out of a few things. Apparently, there’s a run on cat litter, so I will have to look again tonight and see if I can find any at a different set of stores.

I also finished reading my friend’s book, Food Chain.

Thank you for reading my post.

7/4/23: Daily Post

Happy Independence Day!

I started the day a few minutes later than I had anticipated. I had a cat asleep on my arm, and was in no rush to get out of bed. It cost me though, as I didn’t go for a run, or even get in my steps for the day. I was disappointed in myself for that. I also didn’t finish the two articles I had planned for the day.

JoAnna started our grilling for the day. Actually, she did 95% of it. I cooked a few vegetables in my iron skillet on the stove and helped with the dishes and some of the prep work. The first problem was that the beef ribs we bought had spoiled, even though it was long before their expiration date. I ran out and replaced them before the stores all closed. I also ran out of trash bags, so I had to go back to the store for that.

In the afternoon, I played on amateur radio while slowly putzing through some reading that I had in my email.

In the evening, we had delicious food, thanks to JoAnna. We had beef ribs, barbecue chicken, beef polish sausage, roasted vegetables (peppers, onions, okra and zucchini), salad and portobello mushroom caps.

In spite of the setbacks, I was able to finish one of the articles. I was pleased I got that out the door and off my desk. However, that was late in the evening, and I went to bed soon afterwards.

Thank you for reading my post.